Jaunsari (Jaunsar-bawar), many people have chronic ill-health or are less
healthy than they should be, because of the assault of multiple infections,
viz., bouts of fever, attacks of jaundice consequent to virus infection, skin
affections of various kinds and so on. Their impact is often felt seasonally and
irregularly, causing suffering to the patients from time to time and ultimately
endangering their lives.
1.Ajuga bracteosaHindi – Neelkanthi orNilkhanti: नीलकंठी
disease :Ear ache/ कान दर्द
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:The juice of Nilkhanti leaves is dropped into the ear
cavity. नीलकंठी का जूस निकाल ले
Dose: 4-5 drops twice a day, for three days.चार से पांच बूंद दिन में दो बार
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nilkanti |
2.Allium cepa Onion: प्याज
disease:Loose motions /दस्त
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Onion (pyaz) and mint (pudina) are
boiled in water. A cup of this mixture is given to drink.( प्याज उबाल कर पिये या भून के खाये । )
Dose:Twice or thrice a day, up to three days. ( तीन दिन तक दो - दो बार दिन में )
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onion |
3.Cuminum cyminum , Hindi - Zeera Trachyspermum ammi ,Hindi - Ajowan / अजवायन
disease:cold / ठंड लगने पर
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:A
tea made up of zeera seeds and ajowan is
given.अजवायन की चाय बनाकर पिये
Dose:Twice a day, for two to three days/ दिन में दो बार और तीन दिन तक इसका सेवन करे ।
4.Eleusine coracana ,Hindi – Kodhu, Manduva / मंडुवा /काोधो
disease:Typhoid /
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Kodhu leaves are crushed to pulp and mixed with water and
jaggery or sugar.
Dose:Two spoons of this mixture are used once daily, for
two to three days.
5.Grewia optiva,Hindi – Bimal,Local name – Bhimal,bihu.: बिहू ,
disease:Bone fracture
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Turmeric and wheat flour are fried and put on the
affected part and then the bark of Bimal is placed on it and bandaged.
Dose:Daily bandage up to one month.
6. Hedychium spicatum,Hindi – Kachoor
disease:Stomach aches Rheumatism Arthritis.
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Kachoor’s bark is boiled in water. The decoction,
mixed with jaggery, is drunk
Dose:twice in a day, up to three to four days.
7.Hedychium spicatum, Hindi – Kachoor
disease:Swelling of body
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:The dry fruit is powdered and mixed with jaggery or
sugar and this mixture is eaten.
Dose:Twice a day, for one week.
image is shown in above section.
8.Moringa oleifera syn.,M.
pterygosperma,Hindi – Sondhi,Local name – Sondi
disease:Scorpion and snake bite
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Powder of Sondhi leaves is prepared and is administered
Dose:Once a day, for one month.
9.Nicotiana tabacum,Tobacco
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:The juice of tobacco leaves is applied on the
affected part.
Dose:Two times a day, for four days
10.Pinus roxburghii,Hindi – Chir,Local name – Khaida
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Fresh khaida gum is applied on the affected part.
Dose:10-15 days.
11.Saccharum spontaneum,Hindi – Kushka,Local name – Kusha
disease:Pus formation
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Pulp of crushed leaves of Kushka is
applied on the affected part and this pulp is kept stuck there until the
patient is cured of the ailment.
Dose:For fifteen days.
12.Trachyspermum ammi,Hindi - Ajowan:
disease:General stomach ache
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Juice of the seed is given.
Dose: thrice in a day.
13.Zanthoxylum armatum syn. Z. alatum,Hindi – Timoor,Local name – Timoor
disease:Head ache
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Timoor
leaves are ground and mixed in water and the water is heated. The patient
is advised to take bath in it.
Dose:Two to three days.
14.Zingiber officinale,Ginger,Hindi - Adrak
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:Ginger mixed with jaggery is given.
Dose:three or four times a day, for two days.
4.Zingiber officinale,Ginger,Hindi - Adrak
Treatment / Preparation of Medicine:
Peeled ginger is cut and stuffed with salt, covered
with kneaded Manduva
(a kind of seed, Ragi ) flour and
roasted in salt. The patient is asked to suck it.
Dose:Three to four times a day, up to fifteen days.
image is as shown in above section.
these are common remedies in jounsar bawar .
ऊपर लिखी समस्त जानकारी भिन्न भिन्न स्रोतों से ली गयी है । कृपया अधिक जानकारी के लिए अपने नजदीकी स्वास्थय सलाहकार से परामर्श करे ।