After purchasing a hosting plan you have to upload your website on server. If you now coding then there no problem at all to design a website. But if you don’t know coding at all and crazy about website building and blogging than you have to choose a better CMS (content Management System).

I Have use Word press to build my website and I also suggest you too if you don’t know how code website dynamically.
For further discussion I will talk about Word press and How to upload it .


It is easy to upload the website or wordpress to server just track the following steps.
  • 1.       Download the CMS whatever you like from their official website e.g. Word press, Joomal, Drupal.. etc
  • 2.       You can Codify Wordpress before uploading on server According to your need.
  • 3.       Download the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to upload your website. There is much FTP software Choose one of them like.    FileZilla
  • 4.       Install FTP in your System.
  • 5.       Follow the Instruction :

(a)    You need to get information from your web host about FTP name
(b)   Enter the password as your host provide you or you have make from C-Panel.
  • 6.       Enter the username and password to connect to web server by FTP Server.
  • 7.       When you are connected to web server through FTP server your computer screen will show you 2 windows. One window for select your website folders in computer (left side) and second for your Uploaded file on web server (right side).
  • 8.       Left side window also called transfer window and you have to select the folder containing your website contents.
  • 9.       On the right hand side windows also called Upload window to upload files on upload window create a folder in and select those files from transfer window which you want to upload and give the upload command.

10.   If FTP software is not display Upload option Right click on selected file and choose the upload option.
11.   To ensure whether you have upload your file in proper manner go to web browser and type your website url in address bar   and click enter if you web pages is displayed on your screen than ok  you have upload your website successfully .

If you have any kind of problem please contact to your host support department to guide you .
Some of Host may give you pre Uploaded Wordpress and other CMS.

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